Big Red Drum and Cobia
Tough tough.. As the man says, ”Never leave fish to find fish.” We knew it was going to happen when the tide changed, but patience got the best of me today and we made a big move. To say we saw (many) BIG fish would be a serious understatement. It was big Cobia, after big Cobia, but unfortunately for the life of us we couldn’t get them to bite anything. We tried it all, they would just swim up behind the bait and wouldn’t eat. Super, super frustrating! We did stumble across a small pod of drum where Derek got to catch his first JUMBO Red. To top of the frustration level we had storms moving in on us that really put a damper on our plans. So with the big storm closing in we had to head towards home. We made it close to home and fell into the meat and they actually ate! We boxed two with the biggest being 48 inches and released a couple shorts we also pulled the hook on a 50 plus pounder. With the storm quickly closing in on us, we dragged it out to the wire and had to play it safe and call it an early day. I know if we had a little more time it would have been game on! Thanks again for choosing Salt Treated Fishing y’all enjoy the rest of your vacation and we look forward to seeing you the same date next year!